What should be paid attention to when using load cells?
61 2021-09-07

What should be paid attention to when using load cells?

The load cell is composed of one or more elastic bodies that can deform after being subjected to force, and a bridge circuit (such as a Wheatstone bridge) that can sense the deformation amount, and the resistance strain gauge can be fixed. It consists of three major parts: adhesives that are pasted on elastomers and can conduct strain and sealants that protect electronic circuits. The resistance strain sensor itself is a strong, durable and stable mechanical and electrical product, but in order to ensure the test accuracy, there are still many problems that need attention in use, so what should be paid attention to when using the force sensor? Introduce to everyone.

What should be paid attention to when using the load cell:

1. Do not use more than the maximum load torque allowed by the dynamometer to avoid damage to the instrument;

2. Do not use the dynamometer when charging, so as not to cause the measurement accuracy of the instrument;

3. Do not knock or place heavy objects on the load cell display panel;

4. When not in use, use the zero-adjusting knob to make the instrument display at the "0000" position (ie, display "0000") and turn off the power;

5. Very sensitive to environmental conditions, avoid using the dynamometer in the following places:

① There are splashes of water, oil or other liquids and the place where the aerosol with high pH is covered;

②A place where there is dust, hot air and vibration;

③Outdoor or in places with discharge phenomenon;

④High humidity or high temperature environment (working environment humidity is 25%-65%, working environment temperature: 15-40℃);

⑤ Places under electromagnetic interference working environment conditions;

⑥ Any other place that may cause functional failure or precision distortion;

6. Do not open the back cover to verify various components, or do so for other reasons;

7. Do not loosen the screws that fix the test head, which will reduce the resolution;

The above content is an introduction to what needs to be paid attention to when using the force sensor. In addition, the accuracy is also very important for the force sensor, so in the process of working and using, ensuring the accuracy of the sensor has become the first maintenance. One important thing. It takes more effort in daily maintenance, starting from the most basic, and working hard to do every maintenance step.