Application of load cell in weighing apparatus and transportation system
60 2021-09-07

Application of load cell in weighing apparatus and transportation system

The load cell is an elastic body (elastic element, sensitive beam) that elastically deforms under the action of external force, so that the resistance strain gauge attached to its surface is also deformed. After the resistance strain gauge is deformed, its resistance value will increase or decrease. This resistance change is converted into a voltage or current signal through the corresponding measuring circuit, thus completing the process of converting the external force into an electrical signal. The following Changqing Xiaobian will introduce to you the application of load cells in weighing instruments and transportation systems.

Application of load cell in traffic system:

A load detection branch is built at the entrance of the expressway. When the load truck passes the dynamic weighing bridge, the load cell and electronic scale will check and judge by themselves, and at the same time give a signal to control the traffic light. In this way, we can know whether the vehicle is overweight or not, so as to consider whether this vehicle should pass. This kind of load cell applied on the highway requires a large range, and the accuracy is not particularly high, but the long-term stability must be good. With the development of sensors and other electronic equipment, it will become more and more intelligent, so as to achieve unmanned Controls can prevent overweight vehicles from passing through and allow vehicles to be charged by weight.

The application of load cell in weighing instrument:

In the application of electronic weighing instruments, the load cell is very common, and the load cell is the heart part of the weighing system and electronic weighing instrument. The choice of the accuracy of the load cell; for weighing instruments, of course, the higher the accuracy, the better. But the consideration is whether it can be bought, and whether the price is acceptable. Structural selection of the load cell; generally, the load cell structure is